NxtGen Youth Programme - January 2025 Recruitment
Just before Christmas we held a celebration event for the first group who successfully completed our new 16-week programme. The event was very powerful and the young people spoke honestly about their experiences and what their plans were for the future, along with the difficulties they had faced/continue to face.
Over the 16 weeks our first NxtGen group took part in:
A number of workshops, covering everything from creative design to mental wellbeing,
Visited a number community partners across the city to find out about their work, particular thanks to BSCR and Beats Carnival for hosting two very enjoyable visits
Participated in a number of adventure days to build on teamwork and communication skills, whilst having a bit of fun – The zombie escape room and Prison Island being particular highlights
Gained a Level 2 OCN in Mental Health Awareness
Designed and delivered a community project supporting their chosen charity – Show Some Love – Including raising £700 at Christmas time to support the work they do
Planning for their futures, setting goals and looking at their next steps.
We are now actively recruiting for next cohort of participants. Please share this information with your wider networks, or if you know anyone who could benefit from our programme please get in touch.
Lots being achieved and more work to do at Oasis…
Ken Humphrey has just become the new CEO of Oasis Caring in Acton in February. Ken has a long history of work in community development projects. Most recently having served as Director of SOS Bus NI, however, Ken is glad to be working again in a grassroots project addressing disadvantage and tackling issues affecting all ages, from the early years through to the elderly and those isolated in their homes. He says:
I am looking forward to working within a locally based organisation. Despite significant work already completed there remains considerable need and opportunity to address the stark inequalities present in east Belfast. Often inequality begins in the early years. The window for developmental learning is quite short so its important to assist children as early as possible, so that gaps can be identified and addressed.
Last Autumn, Oasis Early Years worked with Belfast Trust to open a new baby room and cot room. This means that our Early Years facilities now include four rooms: Babies (0-2 years), Toddlers (2-3 years), Pre-school (3-4 years), and After-school (Primary P1-P7). We presently cater for 70+ children. The facility also offers pick-ups from 9 local schools and playgroups.
Oasis Caring in Action has an enthusiastic and skilled staff team of 40, and takes a multi-faceted approach to the work it carries out. In addition to it’s Early Years and After-Schools it continues to deliver a range of projects including:
Oasis Princes Trust Team Programme (16-24+ year olds)
IMAGO Befriending Service providing mental health support through 1-1 and group work
Family Support working with families going through difficult times.
Good Morning Oasis telephone befriending service providing regular contact with those who may be isolated in their homes.
Oasis Antrim Foodbank providing emergency food and support to people in crisis.
Oasis Caring in Action is deeply grateful for our partners, the help of many volunteers, and for the personal donations which make this work possible. We are always looking to find better ways of working, including with other community organisations and agencies, to work collaboratively to address disadvantage. Our website and FB pages provide more information about our programmes or call OCIA on 02890872277
The vital work of Antrim Foodbank continues
Following the previously reported closure of the Oasis Antrim Community Support Hub at the end of December 2023 due to the end of funding, we are pleased to report that the vital work of the Oasis Antrim Foodbank continues to meet the needs of people in the Antrim area. The service provides emergency food and support to those who are in crisis, working with local partners to do this most effectively.
Fionnuala O’Donnell, Manager at Antrim Foodbank, said:
The untimely closure of the Oasis Antrim Community Hub is reflective of the challenges facing the third sector. The demand for Antrim Foodbank continues regardless, as will the work we do in providing essential support to people in crisis in our Town.
We are immensely grateful for the ongoing support from the community, a support that has been unwavering since we first opened in 2015. Our volunteers continue to work tirelessly to support that community and build a hunger free future.
Last winter, Antrim Foodbank provided almost 1,600 emergency parcels to people within the local community. Beyond food, volunteers also provide countless hours of compassion, guidance, and expert support to people with nowhere else to turn.
Sessions are now operating 5 days a week across the Town, including Monday evenings to cater for people working during the day. Full details are available on their website at https://antrim.foodbank.org.uk/locations/
You can help support Antrim Foodbank by donating food, time, and money. Find out more at https://antrim.foodbank.org.uk/give-help/
Sad Update Following Closure of Some Programmes in Oasis Antrim
It is with a real sense of sadness that we have to announce the closure of a number of programmes run by OCIA Ltd Antrim over the last two years. We were very fortunate to get two years of core funding from Robin Swann when he was Health Minister, which ran out on the 31st September 2023. As a Board we agreed to keep running these programmes at Antrim Oasis Community Hub for a further 3 months to allow time for the management team to see if they could secure replacement core funding. We were optimistic that the funders we applied to would fund us, allowing us to continue.
Sadly on the 15th December 2023 we got the awful news from the final potential funder that they would not be funding Oasis at Antrim. This meant that from the 31st December 2023 the majority of the excellent programmes working with 100’s of clients would cease and 4 core staff, who had been on 3 month notice of redundancy, would sadly be leaving us.
Truly tragic on many fronts, but all too common sadly in the community and voluntary sector at this time of no government in Northern Ireland.
It is really important to note that Antrim Foodbank run by Oasis under the management of Fionnuala and her 40 plus local volunteers will continue unaffected. This important work in partnership with Advice NI and a number of local churches will continue to distribute food and support from Main Street in Antrim and satellite locations at CFC Antrim, Ballycraigy and Greystone. Up to date information can be found at Antrim Foodbank | Helping Local People in Crisis
We would like to put on record our thanks to all of our continued funders both personal and public who continue to support us and allow us to deliver our vital services.
The Board at Oasis Caring In Action will be working throughout January 2024 to see if there are any willing partners who could come on board to set up similar programmes, before the new CEO of OCIA Ltd starts work in February 2024.
If you feel you could be part of this process, please contact the Board of Oasis Caring In Action via Board@Oasis-ni.org
Many thanks
Board of OCIA Ltd
SENI Awards 2023 | Social Enterprise NI
OCIA staff enjoyed a gala night out, hosted by NI Social Enterprise Awards, on the 27th October 2023. The Oasis Team picked up an Award in the category of ‘Outstanding Team 2023’ - Highly Commended. It was a great achievement across a competitive field of entries.
I developed new skills - it helped to build my confidence - I learned how to work as a team - I learned communication skills!
The Adventure days were the Best!
It's a safe place for me to express myself
I developed new skills
It helped to build my confidence
I learned how to work as a team!
The Adventure days were fun!
It's a safe place for me to express myself
Two new baby rooms at Oasis Early Years. The perfect place for your little one!
Get Chatty with Oasis
We had a great turnout for the ‘Get Chatty with Oasis’ Coffee Morning and we had a special cake to celebrate! Come and call for a chat at 81 Castlereagh Street. The Chatty Bench is a place to put your feet up and watch the world go by.
We had a great turnout for the ‘Get Chatty with Oasis’ Coffee Morning and we had a special cake to celebrate! Come and call for a chat at 81 Castlereagh Street. The Chatty Bench is a place to put your feet up and watch the world go by.
Get Chatty with Oasis
To celebrate our lovely ‘CHATTY BENCH’, we are hosting a coffee and chat morning at Oasis No 81 Castlereagh St
Wednesday 17th May 10.30am to 1.30pm
All Welcome!
To celebrate our lovely ‘CHATTY BENCH’, we hosted a coffee and chat morning at Oasis No 81 Castlereagh St
Wednesday 17th May 10.30am to 1.30pm
Oasis Princes Trust Team 16
Princes Trust Team 16 Presentations
February 3rd was a day of celebrating the achievements of our Princes Trust TEAM 16 graduates! All 8 participants gave a presentation in front of family, friends, Prince’s Trust staff and Oasis Caring in Action staff and board members. They spoke wonderfully about their 12 weeks on programme and their future plans, and even pulled audience members to the front to run a “Team” game by themselves!
All 8 participants will be moving on to either education, training or employment with one young person securing her dream job before she even completed TEAM! After emotions running high, the young people took the weekend to relax before returning for a final day of games and fun with their teammates, accumulating in dinner at Frankie and Bennys which was enjoyed by all.
Well done Team 16!
Imago Knit n Natter Group
Imago Group has a go at macramé
The Knit n Natter Group put away their needles and wool this week to a have a go at Macramé. A change is as good as a rest, so they say!
Expertly lead by Daryl Jones, the ladies were taken through the different types of macramé knots and shown how to make a pot holder. All this in between cups of coffee and setting the world to rights.